MES Staff Favorites. Hamburger and donut emoji images
Trunk or Treat event October 24 at 6pm in the MES Front Parking Lot.  Image shows Halloween decorations with spider webs, orange and black streamers and 3 children wearing costumes.  One child is holding a jack a latern
Hurricane Victims Toy Drive Drop off location is at MES from Oct. 9-Nov. 3
Farm to School week October 7-11 with a menu listed of local farms with food grown on these local farms.
October is bullying prevention month image. Lend a hand take a stand. Say no to bullying.
School closed
School Closed written in chalk on green chalkboard
Fall Fundraiser is due October 1 reminder annoucement
Title 1 Literacy night announcement for Thursday Sept. 26 from 6-7:30 at McGaheysville Elementary School
Mrs. Sheffer, kindergarten teacher with student holding an award
Fundraiser reminder announcement.  Fundraiser is due October 1
School Spirit Day Notice for Friday September 13, 2024
Welcome to the MES Library sign with email contact for the school librarian
News bulletin alert notification