Week #17- December 9, 2024
The Duke Dog Reading Program is here!
Last week, I shared information about the program for this year. Here is some additional, and more detailed, information. Students/guardians should complete the Duke Dog Reading Program Completion Form on dukedogreading.com to log their student’s completed books for tabulation by JMU Athletics.
Students who achieve their assigned reading goals will receive three (3) digital tickets for each game, which admit the student and two (2) additional guests to this season's Duke Dog Reading JMU Basketball Games:
Women’s Basketball: December 29th, 2024 vs Troy
Men's Basketball: January 4th, 2025 vs Arkansas State
Women's Basketball: February 15th, 2025 vs Old Dominion
Tickets to all DDRP games are available. To receive the tickets, families must first submit the DDRP Completion Form, and they will receive an automated confirmation email containing DDRP ticket information.
Reading goals are: Pre-K through Grade 3: Five (5) grade-level appropriate books and
Grade 4 & 5: Three (3) grade-level appropriate books.
This program runs through February 2025 and parents are asked to verify that their child(ren) met the goals on the Duke Dog Reading website.
Have fun reading and have a great week!!
Other Announcements/Reminders from the MES Office:
Ten-Day Attendance Challenge continues through this Friday, December 13.
December Menus; NOTE: Menu change for Thursday- Option 2 will be Grilled Cheese
MES Library Information: Library Catalog Tutorial explains how families can access the MES Library Catalog and how to use the search, history and hold features of the catalog. Learn more at the MES Library Website.
Attendance Tip: Attending full weeks is important in establishing positive attendance habits. The next two weeks are scheduled to be five-day weeks and afford the opportunity to build stamina for a full week. The combination of the school calendar and the unscheduled days off has limited the number of back-to-back full weeks this year. These next ten days will help establish that as a routine heading into the break.
Parent & Family Resources & Information:
Activities & Events at MES:
Bring Your Adult to PE- December 6-12
MES Spelling Bee- December 5
MES Winter Concert (K & 1st Grade)- December 17 (6 PM)
MES Holiday Sing Along Assembly- December 20
Winter Break- December 21-January