Week #18- December 16, 2024
I wish all of the families of the MES community a very happy holiday season and a prosperous start to the New Year. Enjoy celebrations and time with family and friends. Safe travels to families on the move over the holidays.
Other Announcements/Reminders from the MES Office:
MES PTO Announcement: Are you looking for teacher gifts? Here is a book of our staff favorites! Check out the Staff Favorites document for ideas.
Duke Dog Reading Program- Click HERE for complete information.
MES Library Information: Library Catalog Tutorial explains how families can access the MES Library Catalog and how to use the search, history and hold features of the catalog. Learn more at the MES Library Website.
Attendance Tip: During the winter months, with fewer hours of daylight, morning and evening routines can be impacted. Try to stick with the established routines as the days shorten, maintaining a successful wake-up time and bed time. Also, in preparing to return from the two-week Winter Break in January, “restart” the routines on January 3, 4 & 5 so that kids are ready to go Monday, January 6.
Parent & Family Resources & Information:
Activities & Events at MES:
Bring Your Adult to PE- December 6-12
MES Spelling Bee- December 5
MES Winter Concert (K & 1st Grade)- December 17 (6 PM)
MES Holiday Sing Along Assembly- December 20
Winter Break- December 21-January 3
Schools Reopen- January 6, 2025
MES PTO Meeting- January 8