Week #27- March 3, 2025
February saw 119 students with perfect attendance during the February 10-Day Attendance Challenge. Ms. Sneary's 4th grade class had the highest percentage of perfect attendance with 16 out of 20 (80%) students attending all ten days. Nice work!! This is especially encouraging considering the prevalence of Flu and other illnesses over this time period.
There is a strong correlation between regular attendance and academic progress. While teachers work diligently to help students catch up on work they have missed, it is challenging to fully duplicate what is learned in a classroom each day. The presentation of information, the interaction with peers, and the direct support of the teacher in the moment makes the daily classroom the optimal learning environment. Very few students can overcome missing the in-person lessons. This is why I consistently encourage positive attendance habits and share the school’s attendance data with you.
I am pleased with the growth in attendance at MES over the past two years. This growth is primarily measured in the Chronic Absentee Rate; That is the percentage of students missing 10% or more of the days school is in session. Currently, about 14% of MES students have missed more than 10 of the 105 days school has been in session since August. The goal is to reduce that 14% to under 10% by June.
I will be working with specific students and families in this quest and appreciate continued support for the academic, social and emotional growth of MES students.
Thank you for being part of a great school community!
Other Announcements/Reminders from the MES Office:
The March 10-Day Attendance Challenge kicks off this week! All students attending the next ten school days will receive free ice cream and students will be entered into drawings for additional prizes or rewards.
MES Library Information: Library Catalog Tutorial explains how families can access the MES Library Catalog and how to use the search, history and hold features of the catalog. Learn more at the MES Library Website.
Attendance Tip: Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school, or about 18 days in most school districts, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days a month and that’s known as chronic absence. Read more… (https://www.attendanceworks.org/chronic-absence/the-problem/10-facts-about-school-attendance/)
Parent & Family Resources & Information:
Activities & Events at MES:
Read Across our Community Day- March 3
PK Application/Screening- March 5 & 6
House Day #4- March 14
American Heart Association Assemblies- March 17
Bus Evacuation Drills- March 18 & 19
5th Grade IRW Testing- March 20 (AM)
MES Spring Title I Literacy Night- March 20 (6:00-7:30 PM)
Schoolwide Assembly (Storyteller Barb Lawson)- March 21