Week #25- February 17, 2025

REMINDER: Monday, February 17 and Tuesday, February 18 are now school days for students. The change was made to the calendar in order to recover some of the learning time lost due to weather-related school closures in January and earlier this month. Monday will be a Day 1 in the Specials rotation and Tuesday will be a Day 2 in the rotation. On Wednesday, MES will resume the scheduled rotation with a Day 5.

The MES breakfast and lunch menus have also been updated.

Monday, 2/17/25:

Breakfast:   Manager’s Choice

Lunch:   Mozzarella Cheese Sticks w/ Sauce

  Steamed Broccoli

  Fresh Veggie Cup

  Choice of Fruit & Milk

Tuesday, 2/18/25:

Breakfast:   Manager’s Choice

Lunch:   Hot Dog

                  French Fries

             Fresh Veggie Cup

             Choice of Fruit & Milk

Wednesday, 2/19/25:

Breakfast:  Egg & Cheese Croissant

                OR Cereal Combo

Lunch:   General Tso’s Chicken with Fried Rice

            OR Yogurt Combo

             Steamed Mixed Veggies

             Fresh Veggie Cup

             Choice of Fruit & Milk

Thursday, 2/20/25:

Breakfast:   Chicken Slider

                   OR Cereal Combo

Lunch:   Chicken Day

             OR Deli Sandwich

             Mashed Potatoes

             Fresh Veggie Cup

             Choice of Fruit & Milk

Have a great week MES!!

Other Announcements/Reminders from the MES Office:

  • The 10-Day Attendance Challenge continues into this week! All students with perfect attendance over the ten-day period will receive free ice cream and will be entered into a drawing for other prizes. The dates for the challenge will be adjusted according to RCPS calendar changes and school closings.

  • ERHS Presents PETER PAN. Three Shows: February 20 - 22 @ 7pm, February 23 @ 3pm. Tickets

  • Duke Dog Reading Program- Click HERE for complete information. 

  • February Menus (note changes listed above)

  • MES Theme and Spirit Days 2024-2025

  • MES Library Information: Library Catalog Tutorial explains how families can access the MES Library Catalog and how to use the search, history and hold features of the catalog.   Learn more at the MES Library Website.

  • Attendance Tip: It is challenging to maintain routines when weather impacts school operations. Students may report not feeling well or not wanting to go to school once they have been out for a couple of days. If students are not actively vomiting, running a fever, or working through excessive congestive issues, they are OK to come to school. If there are questions related to this, the school nurse is available by phone each day beginning at around 7:45 AM.

Parent & Family Resources & Information: 

Activities & Events at MES:

RCPS Calendar Change- Students Attend School- February 17 &18

MES PTO Glow Run- February 21

Regional Spelling Bee- March 1 (Skyline Middle School)

Read Across our Community Day- March 3

PK Application/Screening- March 5 & 6

MES House Day #4- March 14