Week #19- January 6, 2025

Just like that, 2024 is in the books and the page is turned to 2025. Happy New Year and best wishes for a very healthy and prosperous new year. The school year is just days away from the halfway point. There have been many accomplishments already since the new academic year opened in August. In the coming days, I will be able to share some highlights regarding academic growth as midyear assessment data is compiled. Success is a collective effort and your support of the learning process at MES is very much appreciated.

The successes are often celebrated publicly in ways that call attention to the success of the entire school or groups within the school. I assure you also that individual students are also acknowledged and celebrated as they grow academically. It is heartwarming and encouraging to see students brighten as they learn and gain confidence in sharing their knowledge with others. That is what we all work for at MES. McGaheysville Elementary School is a great school and it is great because we have great people. The students, families, teachers and staff of the MES community all support the mission of the school, maintaining a “focus on creating life-long learners who are caring and respectful”.

Thank you for all you do for MES!!

Happy New Year! Have a great week and stay safe!

Other Announcements/Reminders from the MES Office:

  • Coach Roach’s After School Boys Basketball club will meet after school on TUESDAY (January 7) this week instead of Thursday as previously planned. 

  • 179 MES students, nearly seventy percent of the student body, achieved perfect attendance in the most recent 10-day attendance challenge. Great work everyone!!

  • The MES PTO will meet this Wednesday, January 8, at 6 PM. Check the MES PTO page on Facebook for the meeting link.

  • Duke Dog Reading Program- Click HERE for complete information. 

  • December Menus; January Menus

  • MES Theme and Spirit Days 2024-2025

  • MES Library Information: Library Catalog Tutorial explains how families can access the MES Library Catalog and how to use the search, history and hold features of the catalog.   Learn more at the MES Library Website.

  • Attendance Tip: It is very helpful to hear from families when a student is absent. Please use our attendance email mesattendance@rockingham.k12.va.us or call 540-289-3004 to report an absence. To date, you have done a very good job of reporting absences. Thank you!

Parent & Family Resources & Information: 

Activities & Events at MES:

Schools Reopen- January 6, 2025

MES PTO Meeting- January 8 (6 PM)

RCPS County Spelling Bee @ JFHMS- January 9 (6 PM)

End of First Semester- January 16

Teacher Workday/No School for Students- January 17

Schools Closed for Holiday- January 20

Winter Growth Assessments for Grades 3-5- January 22 & 23