Week #6- September 23, 2024
September has been a busy and exciting month for MES. This past Tuesday, several MES students were featured in the RCPS Student artwork Exhibit at the RCPS Division Office. Student artwork will remain on display throughout the year. This event is always a highlight of the year for me. I love browsing the artwork and seeing how creative students can be. Congratulations to Levi Clanahan, Caden Derrow, Miguel Cispedes Yero, Pablo Garmendez-Carias, Kylie Good, Alice Hatch, Kinsley Kirtley, Dawson Meadows, Avery Osmundson, Logan Osmundson and Gigi St. John for having your work displayed for the next year.
The MES PTO hosted a family movie night Friday night. Great weather and sound planning set us up for a really good night. It was great to see a large turnout and lots of support for our PTO and the grade levels providing snacks and drinks. I am appreciative of the work of the PTO, the participation from families, and the extra time MES staff committed to this effort.
This Thursday evening, September 26, 2024, MES staff will welcome students and families to the Fall Title I Literacy Family Engagement event. The Rock & Read themed-event will offer a variety of interactive activities for all ages and will kick off the school’s Rock Your School Day transformation day that will occur on Friday, September 27. Please return the response form if you plan to attend. This will assist the school with planning for the event. Click below to see the announcement and form.
MES Rock and Read Event 2024 (Spanish)
MES is off to a great start this year! Great things will continue to happen because of the work of great people! Thank you MES staff for working with great purpose and passion! Thank you families for being supportive and engaged with us!
Have a great week!
Other Announcements/Reminders from the MES Office:
RCPS Announcement: All elementary and middle school students attending athletic events, including Friday night football games, must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult. Students are not to be dropped off at games and picked up after the event.
MES Library Information: Library Catalog Tutorial explains how families can access the MES Library Catalog and how to use the search, history and hold features of the catalog. Learn more at the MES Library Website.
Attendance Tip: For appointments and certain weekend trips, I encourage you to have the student attend at least a portion of the school day. It is impossible to predict illnesses and unforeseen events, so limiting absences that are within your control may be helpful in ensuring a positive school attendance record. Also, attending even part of the school day helps the student stay in contact with the teacher and the class, improving academic performance.
Parent & Family Resources & Information:
Activities & Events at MES:
Fall Title I Literacy Night- September 26 (6-7:30 PM)
Rock Your School Day and Gold Day- September 27
MES PTO Meeting (Virtual)- October 2 (4 PM)
MES House Day #1- October 4
MES Spirit Day- October 7
No School For Students/ RCPS Staff Development Day- October 14
Pink Out Day- October 18
MES PTO Coin Wars- October 21-November 1
MES PTO Trunk or Treat- October 24
Picture Make-Ups- October 24
No School for Students- October 25